The Greatest Circus (and Knitting!) Project ON EARTH?!!

Free Learn to knit, crochet and make pom-poms
Free trapeze lessons for children 8 years+

Child knitting with help from an adult

At All Hallows Church in conjunction with Rainbow Junk Cafe
24 Regent Terrace, Leeds LS6 1NP

The dates are:

Monday 18th February
Thursday 21st February
Friday 22nd February

The morning session is 10am to 12.30 pm, then food.
The afternoon session is 1.30 – 4.30pm.

Sunday 24th February

12.30pm Sharing and Performance.

To come and knit you can just drop in. However, children age 8+ wanting to take part in the trapeze classes need to sign up and come at the beginning of a session so they can take part in a warm up.

Please note an adult needs to stay with their child throughout the trapeze class.

To sign up, please email your child’s name and age, and your contact number to:

Child on trapeeze